i haven’t been particularly good at remembering to update this, but that’s primarily because we’ve been so busy on the house! between building furniture, trimming trees, and building a new fence along the back wall, we’ve been working hard to make the house into a home. it’s finally starting to feel that way, with most of the rooms furnished and the fence finally able to contain the dogs.*

we have folks coming to trim some bigger trees in late may, and we’ve begun the hügelkultur as well. the latter won’t be ready until next year, so i’ve got a few things being planted in a small container garden on the back deck. speaking of which: we just got our new flat-top griddle!
the guest room saw some use last week with my dad (hi, dad!) visiting from out of town.
a newly-acquired robot vacuum also made its debut, replacing our older one. enhanced features include a big emptying tank and i guess it can recognize rooms, too? technology is weird.
* unfortunately, we’re down to just loki and jean. gambit lost her battle with cancer in early march. 💔